Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Fairy Tale Trap

My friend, Emily Casey, has written a book called The Fairy Tale Trap.

She's doing a blog tour and I invited her to be on my blog.

Below she gives us an introduction to her book.

Take it away, Emily!

Hey, thanks for letting me do this blog post!

First, a bit about the book. The Fairy Tale Trap is about a girl named Ivy who gets trapped
in a fairy tale: Beauty and the Beast. My main character is sarcastic (as most teenagers are)
and gets herself into all kinds of trouble as she tries to find a way home.

Here's the book trailer, to give you a better idea:

I'm publishing the book myself, so at the moment, it's only available as an ebook. (I hope to change that in the future, but right now I just don't have the resources.)

The easiest way to find The Fairy Tale Trap is by going to Smashwords.

Once you get a copy of it there, you can get it in any e-format.

Now I have some questions for Emily:

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your book?

Well, fairy tales obviously made a big impact on this story. I've always loved them and now I'm reading them to my daughter at bedtime, so fairy tales have been on my mind a lot lately.

Have you always loved writing?

Hmm.. Well, I think my mom saved a copy of the first story I ever wrote. I think I was 4
and it was two or three sentences long. I don't remember the finer plot points,
but I know it involved a princess who lived in a castle.
But I really got into writing about 5 years ago, soon after I got married.

I've been writing pretty steadily this whole time. It's been a great journey.

You have two young children--when do you write?

Nap time!

Honestly, I don't know what I'll do when my daughter doesn't need her afternoon nap after school. I'll probably have to write when they go down for bed.

It's hard for me to write when they're awake, even if they're in another room.
That sixth mom-sense is always listening out for trouble or wondering why it's so quiet.

What are some of your favorite books?

You're making me choose? Well, I'm listening to Harry Potter on audio with my kids right now. I'm falling in love with the series all over again, so that would definitely be up there on my list.

I also just borrowed a book from a friend that I loved called Seven Daughters and Seven Sons. It's a retelling of a middle eastern folk tale.

Are you working on some new books and can you
share any of the story lines?

I'm working on Book 2, of course! It's called The Fairy Tale Twist, where Ivy gets
trapped in The Twelve Dancing Princesses and meets an interesting new character
that we'll hopefully see again.

Was it difficult getting your book published?

Yes! I mean it was fun, just exhausting. Aside from actually writing the book, there was cover design, editing, formatting, loading the book up onto Smashwords and Amazon, marketing (yuck!) and a whole slew of other things I never thought I'd have to worry about. Putting together this blog tour has been a lot of fun, though. I've met so many fantastic people. The blogging community has been really supportive! (Thanks!)

The Fairy Tale Trap is now available for download at Smashwords and Amazon.

You can follow Emily's page on Facebook here.

Emily's next stop on her blog tour is tomorrow (Monday) at Liana Brooks' blog:

Emily's doing a guest post on Why Writers Are Off Their Rockers!

Should be fun!

Thanks for stopping by, Emily, and we wish you

much success with your books!


  1. Thanks for letting my stop by today!

  2. Oops. I'm a bit behind with the blog tour. I love 'em. Each blog is different.

    Self-publishing is obviously hard work! Not only do you have to write the book but there is a whole lot of other computery stuff to do to get it out there.
    Congratulations for getting it done Emily!

  3. Thanks, Prue. I'm glad you found me. :)
