Monday, October 24, 2011

Mummy Candy Bars

Halloween is almost here!

Katie told me about some mummy candy bars
that she made for the women on her visiting teaching list.

I looked up the directions online and made some today.

Start with a delicious candy bar.

Then glue some googly eyes onto
black paper.

Next glue the paper square onto the candy bar.

Then wrap white crepe paper around and around the candy bar,
anchoring it with a touch of glue at the beginning
of the wrapping and at the end.

Then share with your spooky friends.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Owls, Owls, and More Owls!

On Pinterest, I saw a cute craft to make owls out
of toilet paper or paper towel tubes.

I gathered all the necessary supplies
(tubes, paint, brushes, googly eyes, fabric for wings)
so my grandchildren could make them.

Below are Carson, Megan, and Justine
at the craft table.

Here are the owls at one home.

And below are the owls that now live at the other
grandchildren's home.