Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's Growing in the Garden

We were away from home for almost three weeks.
When we got back , I was happy to see that my Hurricane Lily was blooming!
Karen gave me the bulb for this plant years ago and it blooms in late summer.
It grows up to 18" tall and has no leaves, as you can see.

Here's another plant (below) that did something
(at least it didn't die like some of my plants did) while we were gone.
It's a flowering bulb of some kind (I'll know when it blooms).
What it did was push its shoots through the leaves that were on top of the dirt--
just speared right through them. Wasn't going to let a leaf stop it from growing!

Yesterday the weather was so nice!
My outdoor thermometer shows it was almost 70 degrees.
Perfect for working outside in the yard.
I had some of the windows open during the day
and could feel Mother Nature's free air conditioning
coming in the windows. It was so nice!


  1. Suzi, Wow! As soon as I saw your Hurricane Lily,I rushed out, as fast as you can rush with a boot on, to see if mine had bloomed. They're around the corner of the house where I hadn't looked lately. Sure enough, the yellow ones are already blooming! I think I'll relocate a few to a more noticable spot when they stop blooming. I don't want to miss them again.

  2. I like your pictures to go along with your text. Let me know what the other plant is when it blooms.

  3. Glad you saw your lillies blooming!
