Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I am in the middle of reading the biography of J. Willard Marriott,
the founder of the Marriott Corporation.

Here are a few interesting things I have learned about him:

Bill Marriott was born in Marriott, Utah, in the northern part of the state. He worked hard all his growing up years on his father's farm and herding sheep all over the west.

By the time he was finished with college and his mission, he wanted to get away from the farm and moved to Washington DC where he started the first A&W Root Beer franchise in that area.

Once summer was over, and people stopped drinking so many root beers, he expanded his business into family restaurants called Hot Shoppes, meaning you could get a hot meal there.

His business just grew and grew--I haven't gotten to the part where he starts building hotels,
so I can't tell you about that.

When he was 35, he was diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes and the doctors told him he only had about six months to a year to live. There was no medical treatment then for him. He did receive a priesthood blessing though. Well, he lived to be 85!

It's good to read about this successful businessman.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday Night Supper

For Sunday supper, I made a favorite of mine--Down Home Baked Beans
that I got from allrecipes.com.

For dessert, I made Peaches n Cream Ice Cream in my
Hamilton Beach Ice Cream Maker
(that was a gift for working 15 years
as a merchandiser at Target).

Once you add the ingredients into the
ice cream maker, soft serve ice cream is ready
in 20-40 minutes.

Lately, I've been putting the ice cream in the
freezer for a couple of hours for it to harden
and then it's the texture of ice cream in the freezer section
of the store.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cool Water Aerobics

From June through August, my chief form of exercise is water aerobics at our city pools. I love moving around in a cool pool in the summer and calling it exercise, which it is.

Myfitnesspal.com says that an hour of water aerobics burns 290 calories. The water offers resistance that makes it more of a workout than it looks. To someone sitting by a pool, it may look like those doing water aerobics aren't doing much, but under the water, we are doing cross country skiiing, jumping jacks, running in place, or jumping rope, bunny hops, karate kicks, pendulum swings, or in the deep water we do vertical kicks and abdominal crunches.

This photo below isn't taken at one of my pools, but it could be. Our classes look just like this one.

We also use water dumbells for weights. It is a real workout to hold onto these weights and do the American crawl back and forth the length of the pool!

I will be sad when cooler weather comes because then it feels too cold to be in a pool. Some of my class members do water aerobics year round. One of the pools puts a cover over the pool, called a bubble, from November to February to keep out the cold outside air. Others wear wet suits or body gloves. I may try water aerobics into the Fall to see if it is bearable, since I love it so much.