Friday, August 26, 2011

Yum...Tomato Pie!

A couple of nights ago I made Tomato Pie for supper.

I made the Never Fail Pie Crust--a recipe that I got from a friend as part of a bridal shower gift.

Next, I cut up four tomatoes.

Here's the mixture of mayonnaise, cheeses, basil, & chives.

Here's the baked Tomato Pie. Dig in!


  1. Yum. I'd never heard of a pie like this. But I have heard of the never fail pie crus, and use it every time I make a pie. I have the typed copy Mama made for me. You know the recipe by heart? I think I do, too. Have you made the tomato pie recipe before?

  2. Yes, that's an easy pie crust to make, isn't it? This was the first time I've made the Tomato Pie.
